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Monday, December 20, 2010

Peter Canisius, and ecology at Canisius College

Peter Canisius (d. 1597), who's feast we celebrate on December 21, seems a worthy patron of our own age. He was a tireless teacher of the faith during a particularly difficult time for the Church. He fought error with logic and love. His passion was for teaching to all--royalty and peasants, scholars and children. For him, rank didn't matter. Truth did. He knew that God's revelation was a gift to all people, and he gave his all to instruct by action and word. One of his most notable quotes resonates strongly with this author: If you have too much to do, with God's help you will find time to do it all.

Come to find out, his namesake Jesuit college, Canisius Collge in Buffalo, NY, has found the time to do very good work in ecology and conservation.

Once again, faith and reason blend nicely in this Catholic institution of higher learning. For instance, here's what they say about their Animal Behavior, Ecology and Conservation Program ...

"(it) will produce graduates who are experts in the science side of animal behavior, and who are also strongly grounded in the ethical and moral considerations in these disciplines. Canisius College is a national leader in this area by being among the first academic institutions to formally tie the study of animals to ethical considerations." 

Good job Golden Griffs! Keep up the great tradition of blending the Catholic faith with conservation. May Peter Canisius's intercession bring you all much success.

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